
Busy Hedgehog Soap

€ 12.50 EUR
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Following the tremendous success of their iconic Curragh Sheep Soap, Pure Oskar now introduces a charming collection called Irish Native Animals - Soap Range.

A collection of new shapes, each inspired by Ireland's enchanting wildlife. The new additions include the Busy Hedgehog Soap.

This adorable soap shape pays homage to the delightful hedgehog, a familiar and cherished sight in Irish gardens.

Handmade in their workshop located at the edge of the Curragh in County Kildare. Crafted with responsibly sourced ingredients and packed in sustainable packaging, reflecting Pure Oskar's commitment to the environment.

Qualities: Vegan | Cruelty Free | Good Foaming | Fun

Especially for: soap lovers and soap collectors

Suitable for: everyone


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